One step at a time

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Post SARPE Surgery - Day 22 / 19 Turns

Sunday, 8 February 2015 16:37 Posted by Pixie No comments
Yesterday marks 22 days post SARPE surgery. The dreaded gap is now a lot larger and so is my upper palette. 

I haven't measured the size of my gap yet however my brother reckons it's about 5mm. I'm on 19 turns so far so another 11 turns to go. Hopefully that's all that will be required. The healing is going great, well I'd assume so since I haven't had any infections or anything. I'm starting to get some feeling back in my upper teeth and the movement of my upper lips looks and feels more natural. 

I feel like my expanding process has been a lot slower than others. I've read that people turn their expander twice a day, some even three times a day! But I only turn it once a day (sometimes twice because I missed a day). My gap also developed a lot slower too. I didn't even notice any gaps until my 9th or 10th turn but now after each turn I can see and feel a difference. My upper palette is definitely a lot wider and my bite has also changed, not in a good way. It feels unnatural. 

My next appointment is on the 17th of February, approximately one month after surgery. I'm so excited so see what my ortho has to say, have we turned enough? Can my braces go on in a month's time? 


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