One step at a time

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Post SARPE Surgery - Day 6 / 4 Turns

Thursday, 22 January 2015 23:38 Posted by Pixie , , , No comments
Just a quick update - below are some pics of my progress. My face is still swollen and my upper lip area as well as my front 6 teeth is still numb. Good news is, there's no pain. There hasn't been any pain at all actually just discomfort and tireness. I've even stopped taking painkillers on day 4.

I've been up and about alot which I think helps. I spent the first few days in front of the tv and constantly napping and waking up with an even more swollen face despite laying elevated. To date, I've turned the key 4 times - I have a teeny tiny gap but hardly noticeable, thank goodness.

I have my first check up appointment tomorrow with my ortho so I'll have more to post about then. 

Hope everyone is well, speak to you tomorrow! 


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